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Try to create a balanced amount of stimulation, enough to keep an older person from getting too bored but not so much that they become agitated. Too much noise, activity, people and visual stimulation can create overload for people with dementia, although in some cultures, a noisy, busy environment may be thought of as part of life.


 Specific strategies


  • Massage hands, head, back and shoulders.
  • Offer manicures and hair care.
  • Hold hands.
  • Offer spa baths.
  • Offer different tactile opportunities in the rugs, throws, cushions and clothing you provide.
  • Provide daily life experiences like gardening, food handling and animal therapy, for example hens on-site or visitors with pets.
  • Provide exercise and movement to music.
  • Enjoy activities in sunshine in moderate amounts.


  • Provide appropriate lighting and views to outside.
  • Use bright colours in activity rooms and restful colours in lounge and dining areas.
  • Take care with food presentation, contrasting colours on the plate.
  • Take care with people’s personal appearance, including clothing, jewellery and makeup.
  • Place plants and flowers indoors wherever suitable.
  • Make gardens easy to get to.
  • Hang non-abstract paintings on walls and place photographs wherever appropriate.


  • Provide interesting and varied meals.
  • Introduce people to new and varied tastes, for example different cultural dishes, fruit and vegetables, after first finding out their likes and dislikes.
  • Provide tasting activities: bitter/sour/sweet/salt etc.


  • Provide music experiences such as dancing, listening, singing, clapping, shaking musical implements and swaying.
  • Play recorded music or put on TV shows. Avoid too much volume and loud advertisements on commercial radio or TV.
  • Talk with people.
  • Have group games, debates, quizzes and concerts.


  • Be aware of the power of scents and aromas.
  • Place scented flowers in the facility.
  • Use aromatherapy.
  • Use perfumed massage creams and oils.
  • Create a sensory garden with herbs.
  • Be aware of the pleasure of food smells like coffee, fresh herbs and lemon.




Sensory Stimulation Activities for people with Dementia

Fruitful Flavours

Lemon Foot Bath

Remembering Different Foods

Scented Citrus

Seaside Sensations

Sensory Stimulation

Touching Exercise

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