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The joyous holiday of Purim celebrates the salvation of the Jews from the wicked Haman, through the leadership of Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai. Purim takes place on the 14th day of Adar, the 12th month of the Jewish calendar. (In the case of a leap year, it takes place in the 13th month, Adar II, while a minor holiday, Purim Katan, takes place in Adar I.) It usually falls in March.

The carnival-like atmosphere of Purim, wearing of costumes, and bringing gifts of food door-to-door sometimes leads to it being referred to as the “Jewish Mardi Gras” or “Jewish Halloween” by         non-Jews.

Click on the images below for some interesting newsletter articles and activity ideas to celebrate this exciting event.

Hamentashen Pastries

Purim Noisemaker

Purim Pick-a-Box

Purim Noisemaker

Purim Word Find

Purim Newsletter Article

The Book of Esther

The story of Purim is found in the Biblical book of Esther, often referred to as “the Megillah.” This is publically read in synagogues twice on Purim: when the holiday begins at nightfall, and the following morning. When the name of Haman is read, people stomp their feet, hiss, boo, or shake noisemakers to obliterate his name.

Click on the image below for an overview of  The Book of Esther

Overview of The Book of Esther (unedited)

Room Decorations

Celebrate your event with our room decorations to add that “wow” factor to your event.
Instructions for all bunting, napkin rings and cocktail flags below.

General Bunting Instructions

General Cocktail Flag Instructions

General Napkin Ring Instructions

Purim Bunting Template

Purim Cocktail Flag Template

Purim Napkin Rings Template

Purim Bunting Template

Purim Cocktail Flag Template

Purim Napkin Rings Template

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