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Resident Lifestyle Profile

A Resident Lifestyle Profile is a collection of information which allows you to “know” the resident, their history, their family background, their spiritual and cultural background, their  likes and dislikes, hobbies and much more. This information is necessary to complete a comprehensive care plan.

We have created an interactive profile that can be filled in on your computer before printing.

IMPORTANT:  Once printed the document needs to be Saved As into your Resident files on your computer. If you close the file without saving information will be lost.

PDF – Resident Lifestyle Profile

Resident Abilities Assessment Form

Most facilities will have their own abilities assessment records, however if you find yourself needing one please download our interactive one for your use.

This abilities assessment form is a great addition to the Resident Lifestyle Profile.

We have created an interactive assessment form that can be filled in on your computer before printing.

IMPORTANT:  Once printed the document needs to be Saved As into your Resident files on your computer. If you close the file without saving information will be lost.

PDF – Resident Abilities Assessment Form

Resident Unmet Need / Intervention / Strategies Form

Most facilities will have their own Unmet Need / Intervention / Strategies form, however if you find yourself needing one please download our interactive one for your use.

This Unmet Need / Intervention / Strategies form is a great addition to the Resident Lifestyle Profile.

We have created an interactive assessment form that can be filled in on your computer before printing.

IMPORTANT:  Once printed the document needs to be Saved As into your Resident files on your computer. If you close the file without saving information will be lost.

Unmet Need / Intervention / Strategies Form

Resident Attendance Form

Most facilities will have their own attendance records, however if you find yourself needing one please download our interactive one for your use.

Facility Name, Month, Activity and Residents names can all be added before printing.

IMPORTANT:  Once printed the document needs to be Saved As into your Resident files on your computer. If you close the file without saving information will be lost.

PDF – Resident Attendance Form

Resident Participation Form

Most facilities will have their own participation records, however if you find yourself needing one please download our interactive one for your use.

Each resident has a participation record of activities he or she has attended and to what level they participated in an activity.

The entire form is interactive making it easy to fill in on your computer before printing.

IMPORTANT:  Once printed the document needs to be Saved As into your Resident files on your computer. If you close the file without saving information will be lost.

PDF – Resident Participation Form

Resident of the Day Form

Most facilities will have their own Resident of the Day records, however if you find yourself needing one please download ours  for your use.

This form can be used to check all aspects of a resident’s care are being met and changed if needed. Most are reviewed on a monthly basis.

This form is not interactive and will need to be printed and filled in manually.

PDF – Resident of the Day Form

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